Matomo database will be upgraded from version 4.11.0 to the new version 4.15.1.
Important notes for large Matomo installations
If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line:
# These SQL queries will be executed: ALTER TABLE `piwik_site` ADD COLUMN `excluded_referrers` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `excluded_user_agents`; ALTER TABLE `piwik_user` ADD UNIQUE KEY uniq_email (`email`); ALTER TABLE `piwik_user` ADD COLUMN `invite_link_token` VARCHAR(191) DEFAULT null;
The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.
File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.
File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.
Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn't expect them. --> Please delete these directories to prevent errors. <--
Directory to delete: vendor/doctrine
To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command: rm -Rf /usr/www/users/mkdwad/piwik/vendor/doctrine
Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn't expect them. --> Please delete these files to prevent errors. <--
File to delete: config/environment/test.php File to delete: config/environment/ui-test.php File to delete: package-lock.json File to delete: phpcs.xml
To delete all these files at once, you can run this command: rm "/usr/www/users/mkdwad/piwik/config/environment/test.php" "/usr/www/users/mkdwad/piwik/config/environment/ui-test.php" "/usr/www/users/mkdwad/piwik/package-lock.json" "/usr/www/users/mkdwad/piwik/phpcs.xml"